Thanks to Jane, Carolyn, and Donna for wig shopping with me today and kicking-off my 40th birthday celebration with a special lunch treat.
It's a little surreal to shop for wigs on the day before your birthday (or any day, for that matter). It was a like Girls' Day Out with a macabre twist. It reminded me of little girls who have birthday parties at a hair salon: my party had a wig theme. But I'm so grateful that these 3 friends accompanied me and were encouraging and decisive and FUN! This was especially wonderful after all the pre-operative appointments I had earlier this week, in which the surgeons described rare complications, common side effects, recovery time, pain meds, hospital procedures, and other not-so-fun topics (I now own a set of drain pouches!! Ugh, gross). It's been tough emotionally. So I needed a laugh.
In case you need a laugh, here's a photo of us with me sporting flowing blonde tresses glued to a pink baseball cap.
One week until my surgery.
Hi sister! I love your new blog (even if I DON'T love the reason for it)!!! Thanks for updating us with the details of your treatment. Paul and I continue to pray for you, B, and the kiddos. I really like your theme verse for this blog. It reminds me of Matthew 5:16 which calls us to let our light shine for the Lord. You do this so well! Love you lots!