Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update: Now We're Cookin'

After a month of nothing happening, I finally have cancer treatments lining up. The lumpectomy in early January did not have 'clean margins', meaning that the next step involves the removal of more tissue. Meaning, I will have a mastectomy on March 3. Blah. For awhile there, I thought I would get off easy. (Then again, for awhile there, I was expecting a call back from my doctor telling me they were wrong: no cancer. Funny how delusional one can get.)

Today we also met with a medical oncologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center to discuss chemotherapy:
-will I need it?
- if so, what regimen?

Here's what was taken into account:
-what is the tumor size? (smallish)
-did it spread to my lymph nodes? (no)
-positive for cancer-related BRCA mutations? (no)
-what grade of cancer (grade 1/2)
-Oncotype DX results (high end of intermediate risk)

The last one is the sinker. The results of this test of 21 breast cancer related genes, convinced the doctor that I'll need the "big guns": doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), and paclitaxel (Taxol) or docetaxel (Taxotere). That's ACT in cancer lingo.

Let's cut right to the chase: this means I'll be losing my hair in about 2 months.
Oh, and there will likely be nausea and fatigue.
Double bother.
And part of it will happen over the summer when the kids are not in school.
Triple bother.

But, surprisingly, I'm just grateful to finally have information. The waiting and unknown were difficult to handle. This was a case when any news is good news. The next big hurdle is getting past the surgery (and my surgery related anxieties) and then hitting a routine.

I am so very grateful for a group of three friends from church who have decided to undertake the coordination of my care: they are going to help me arrange rides to my treatments, childcare during treatment and recovery, help with errands or meals, and anything else that arises. Again, I did nothing to deserve this. They are in no way indebted to me, and I haven't been some sparklingly selfless friend. These are godly women just being obedient to God's calling and following Christ's example to serve one another in love. I am again humbled and in awe.

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