Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Twas the Day Before Surgery...

Another emotional roller-coaster of a week! But things are falling into place, and I feel more at peace today. Many thanks to those of you who have been praying for us. My mother made it here safely from Wisconsin, and Husband made it home from a quick trip to Florida. The house is clean (relatively), and I enjoyed (relatively) one last jog today before the convalescence begins. I've even packed my bag for the hospital, including those detestable drain pouches.

Specific prayer requests:
1. Clean margins: that the surgeon manages to remove all the pre-cancerous cells (DCIS) so that I will not need radiation
2. A peaceful nights' sleep
3. That all goes smoothly for my mom, who will be holding down the fort while Husband takes me to the hospital, and for my kids, who will have a "normal" day of school. (Again, great thanks for Carolyn for doing all the kid-related transportation tomorrow AND having Sally over for a playdate AND providing a meal. We are blessed!)
4. That Husband and I have calm hearts tomorrow on the early morning drive to Holy Redeemer Hospital and during the pre-op routine; and a calm heart for Husband during the surgery

I was reminded again on my jog how often God tells us in the Bible not to worry. It isn't said disparagingly, as if to blow off our fears and anxieties as ridiculous or unfounded. Rather, He reminds us again and again to trust completely in Him. Right now, He is providing sufficient grace for right now. Tomorrow, He will provide sufficient grace for tomorrow. I rest in that promise.

1 comment:

  1. Just prayed your specific prayer requests, my friend. May you continue to find strength and peace through God and may you remember that He can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine for His glory! Your faith is a great testimony and encouragement to many.
